Teaching & Learning


Welcome to Mathematics

Mathematics provides students with essential mathematical skills and knowledge in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. It develops the numeracy capabilities that all students need in their personal, work and civic life, and provides the fundamentals on which mathematical specialties and professional applications of mathematics are built.

The curriculum focuses on developing increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical understanding, fluency, logical reasoning, analytical thought and problem-solving skills. These capabilities enable students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.

For students with a particular interest and drive to extend their mathematical interests and abilities outside the classroom, we offer opportunities to participate in competitions and undertake additional assessments such as the Australian Mathematics Competition, ICAS , Have Sum Fun Online, Numero.

Subject Choices

Mathematics aims to ensure that students :

Are confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives and as active citizens.

Develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with processes, and are able to pose and solve problems and reason in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.

Recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate mathematics as an accessible and enjoyable discipline to study.

Lower School Mathematics

Mathematics is a compulsory subject in Years 7 – 10. The content is divided into three strands – Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Within each year level there are three pathways each designed to meet the needs of our students. In Academic Extension Program the students are introduced to higher level thinking skills whilst working through the curriculum.

Mainstream classes focus on achievement at the year level curriculum and Pathway 3 is scaffolded and differentiated with the aim of improving the numeracy skills.

Upper School Mathematics

In Years 11 and 12, students can choose an appropriate Mathematics subject relative to their capabilities and interests. Some of these courses are prerequisites for university studies, while others may be required in some TAFE courses.

Although Mathematics is not compulsory in Years 11 and 12, there are very few students who do not choose to further their mathematical knowledge.  We are very proud of this, as concern is often raised in the broader community that boys and girls are not studying subjects in the Science/Mathematics fields in their later years of schooling.

Senior Directory 2022

The following courses are offered in Year 11 and 12 within Mathematics:

Mathematics Specialist

Mathematics Specialist is the only ATAR mathematics course that should not be taken as a stand-alone course and it is recommended to be studied in conjunction with the Mathematics Methods ATAR course as preparation for entry to specialised university courses such as engineering, physical sciences and mathematics.

Mathematics Methods

Mathematics Methods provides a foundation for further studies in disciplines in which mathematics and statistics have important roles. It is also advantageous for further studies in the health and social sciences. In summary, this course is designed for students whose future pathways may involve mathematics and statistics and their applications in a range of disciplines at the tertiary level.

Mathematics Applications

The Mathematics Applications ATAR course is designed for students who want to extend their mathematical skills beyond Year 10 level, but whose future studies or employment pathways do not require knowledge of calculus. The course is designed for students who have a wide range of educational and employment aspirations, including continuing their studies at university or TAFE.

Mathematics Essential

The Mathematics Essential General course focuses on using mathematics effectively, efficiently and critically to make informed decisions. It provides students with the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning and community settings. This course does not prepare students for tertiary study but rather prepares them for post-school options of employment and further training.

Mathematics Foundations

The Mathematics Foundation course focuses on building the capacity, confidence and disposition to use mathematics to meet the numeracy standard for the WACE. This course is for students who have not demonstrated the numeracy standard in the OLNA.
