P & C Association


The Leeming Senior High School Parents and Citizens Association welcomes you into a School community which promotes Harmony and strives for Excellence. One way in which the parents and carers of all students can promote the strong community beliefs of the school is by joining the P&C.

As a parent/carer of a student enrolled at our school, you are entitled to become a member of the P&C. Your involvement in the P&C can ensure that your child is represented in vital decisions made by the P&C as well as providing you with an opportunity to meet other parents.

Our Role

  • The P&C provides you with a School-based Parents’ Forum through which you have a direct link with the School, its Principal, Administration, Policies and Programs. By participating in meetings you will be able to share in the exchange of ideas, knowledge and information with the School and thereby contribute to the educational opportunities enjoyed by our students.
  • The P&C raises funds that directly support the high quality of educational programs that Leeming Senior High School offers to all students.
  • The P&C also operates the School Canteen, the Uniform Shop and the Book Shop as services to the School Community and to raise additional funds. Each of these services operates on the lowest possible overheads, including employing the minimum number of paid staff. The success these services enjoy however, is also heavily dependent on the generous support of parent volunteers.
  • Any surplus funds generated by these three services are transferred into the P&C General Account and used to provide additional funding for School resources.

It is very rewarding to see the benefits spread around the school and a daunting thought to imagine Leeming Senior High School without a P&C. If you have any questions, please contact the P&C president on lshspandc@gmail.com.


Our School Community has a conscious policy of not running major fundraising activities, fetes and raffles during the School Year, so that no one person contributes an excessive amount of their time and effort. Our policy therefore is to ask parents and carers to help us raise the needed funds in two ways:

1. Voluntary P&C Contributions – $35 per student

2. Donations to the P&C Building Fund

These monies are used to renovate buildings and outdoor areas within the school. Past funds have installed air conditioning, upgraded student toilets and installed outdoor roofing and seating.

Donations to the P&C Building Fund are tax deductible and receipts are issued so these deductions can be claimed. Donations are listed on your fee sheets and are much appreciated.

We cordially invite you to become an active member of our P&C so we may work together to sustain our School as a centre of Harmony and educational Excellence.

Meetings 2024

The P&C meets twice a term on a Wednesday evening at 7.00 pm in the staff room. The first meeting of the year will be the AGM at which all office bearer positions become available and are open for nomination. We encourage you to nominate for a position at the 2024 AGM or simply come to be a non-executive P&C member.

The 2024 AGM will take place on Wednesday 20 March om at 7 pm in the Staff Room. 

All 2024 meeting dates will be published after the AGM.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4